Find the FUN!

Life seems to be so serious these days, right? We spend so much time worrying about our businesses, careers, families, and our futures. Especially during the pandemic, we are concerned about our health and money and likely dealing with loneliness, fear and other concerns. I get it and your concerns are...


Live Into the Miracle of Who You Are

I love this time of year. I love the snow in the mountains, the lights on the trees and time to slow down. But mostly I love the energy in the air-- it feels like miracles are possible. Many cultures and traditions celebrate miracles. ✨ Each year on December 8th, Buddhists celebrate the...


Artists Sunday Celebrates YOU!

I often hear I am "passionate" about my work. It's true. I am passionate about coaching artists! Artists are the soul of our society.  You help us view the world in a different light, you create beauty, and you bring us together. You are the reason our existence is brighter, happier,...


The Future Isn’t Bleak

A few of my clients recently told me they have not been productive these days. They have not been able to take action or make decisions on their creative or business goals because feeling overwhelmed by the election.I can understand this is tense time. There is so much...


Marketing Yourself= Being YOU!

Are you someone who loves creating your work but doesn't like to promote, market or sell your work? I hear this time and time again from artists and creative professionals.  Often people think they need to learn marketing skills or hire someone to do the marketing. Yes,...



Do you struggle with structuring and prioritizing your work? Here are the exact steps to Becoming a Powerhouse and setting yourself up for success to accomplish your goals: 1.    Connect to your vision for yourself as an artist and entrepreneur. ✨ Create a vision that inspires you and is aligned with what...