Acknowledge Who You Are
It’s my birthday week! I love celebrating and reflecting on how far I’ve come.
Each year I take the day off work, do something fun outdoors and find live music. I still plan on doing all of that!
At the same time, birthdays can be confronting. Do you ever question yourself and have thoughts like:
▪️ Did I make the right decisions in my life?
▪️ Did I reach my goals?
▪️ Did I do enough?
▪️ Did I show up for myself?
▪️ Did I treat people well?
▪️ Am I happy?
Often on birthdays (or really at any time), when think back to the past, we can be filled with regret of things we wish we had done differently. You know, the “I should have” done this or that internal conversation.
When I think back, sometimes I wish I were more confident when I was younger. I remember all the times I was quiet, afraid and hiding. I wasn’t really confident or self-expressed in who I was or what I had to say. I wonder if I missed out on relationships or opportunities because of that.
👉🏽 Do you have thoughts and regrets of how you wished things were different?
These type of thoughts are past-based, addictive thoughts keep us constrained, small and honestly feeling shitty about ourselves.
Instead of focusing on how you are not enough, connect to who you are and all that you have accomplished.
🎉 Here is my birthday mantra this week (and I really believe it!):
❤ I am more confident and self-expressed than ever before.
❤ I have deeper self-awareness and self-love.
❤ I feel stronger emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
❤ I make a difference for people.
❤ I am excited to continue to grow and expand.
✨When we choose empowering thoughts and a grateful heart, we connect to the authentic, joyful and powerful people we truly are✨
Gratitude and self-acknowledgement are not only powerful tools in our toolbox, but ways of living, being and showing up in this world.
I’ve strengthened my gratitude practice this year not only by writing in my gratitude journal each morning, but by connecting to all the gifts, blessings and love in my life and showing up with a grateful heart throughout my day.
This week I will not only celebrate my birthday, but will celebrate my life! Join me and let’s celebrate you too!
Photo by Bryan Lopez on Unsplash
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