Do you struggle with structuring and prioritizing your work?
Here are the exact steps to Becoming a Powerhouse and setting yourself up for success to accomplish your goals:
1. Connect to your vision for yourself as an artist and entrepreneur.
✨ Create a vision that inspires you and is aligned with what you want.
2. Declare what you want.
✨ Be bold in saying and sharing what you want!
3. Prioritize your goals.
✨ All actions you take you take must align with your vision.
4. Plan Your Work.
✨ Write down your goals into a work plan. Include your art/creative goals and your business goals.
5. Work Your Plan.
✨ Put reminders on your calendar or phone.
✨ Find an accountability buddy (i.e. coach, partner, friend, artist collective)
6. Be 100% committed and 100% responsible.
✨ Notice if fears and stories show up. Take action anyways!
✨ Prioritize your time and energy. This can mean saying no to requests that don’t align with your vision and don’t give you energy.
7. Allow inspiration to move through you.
✨ Take on an empowered mindset.
✨ Use this energy to motivate your next step.
And of course, enjoy the process!
Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash
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