You Don’t Have to Figure It Out Alone
Artists and creatives often work in isolation, right? You likely create your work alone in your studio or workspace. Many of you truly cherish the time when no one is around– just you and your creative work. This is when you feel most creative, in flow and alive.
But what about other times?
In my work with artists and creatives, I know you often feel isolated. You want to bounce ideas, collaborate on a project, or get support in building your business.
✨There are times when we thrive alone and
there are times when we thrive in community✨
The difference is knowing when you thrive alone and knowing when it’s time to reach out and get support from others.
I know community is so important to artists. Community can help give you ideas, lift you up, and create accountability.
That is why I created the Creative Success Accelerator, a group coaching program for artists. In this program, you will have live coaching calls with other artists, just like you!
Here is what a client shared about her experience in my group coaching program:
I loved being able to share this process within a group of thoughtful, intelligent, and gentile ladies and knowing that they weren’t going to judge or criticize. That’s what being a part of team means. And I learned more about myself via the channels of communication between each of us than I was expecting. Sometimes the girls would say something that I was thinking but couldn’t put to words, and that was mind-blowing in a way.
I definitely used to try to figure things out on my own. But I wasn’t getting anywhere so stopped doing that! Instead I invested in coaches and programs that provide me with the exact support and tools I needed to be able to make a difference for people.
You don’t have to figure it out alone! You don’t have to build your business alone. Join my group coaching program to be surrounded and supported by the most incredible artists, just like you!
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash
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