How Do You Say Goodbye?

Over Memorial Day weekend, I was memorializing my father who passed away a week ago. At age 90 with multiple conditions, I knew when I got the call he was in the hospital again, this could be the end of a chapter. I packed my...


Coming Home

I am watching the sunrise over Summer Lake, which is located in the far western edge of Oregon’s Great Basin. The crescent moon rests over the horizon as the pink sky reflects over this desert lake.Everything just feels right.I am in a cabin at PLAYA...


Greet Your Own Reflection

I had a couple instances this past week where I caught myself being judgmental of other people. I was blaming them for random things, making them wrong, complaining in my head, etc. You know what I mean? I used to blame and judge people all the time,...


Meditation Made Easy

Lots of people want to meditate more (or at all), but say they don't have time. Have you said this too?! I have for sure! But if you really think about, we really do have time to meditate. What's really stopping us are internal conversations like: 📛 I don't...


How Will You Emerge?

One of my clients shared she doesn't want to go into new normal with the same life from before the pandemic. I completely agree! This is the perfect time to reflect on the past as we step back into the world. Let's map out some possibilities of what life...


Clutter is the Chaos of Our Mind

I used to be a super messy person. You wouldn't totally know it. If you walked in my house you would think it's clean enough. But I realized how messy I was while moving out of my place in Eugene. Every drawer and cabinet was over-filled...


Adventures of Life

I have been bedridden all weekend! I went snowboarding on Saturday to use my last pass of the season. There was fresh snow and I was in a great mood.Until I fell!😫I'm an intermediate snowboarder and I fall once in awhile. But this was different....


From Darkness to Light✨

Wow, we officially have been living in the pandemic for a year. Remember back then when none of us knew what the heck to expect? At first, I was like, we're fine! Then it all felt really real. The fear and anxiety kicked in. Then...