You Are The Culture Creators

Yesterday I was walking to the natural food store to pick-up groceries I had ordered online and I ran into a old friend on on the street. Each day he has been walking around town playing the accordion. He starts playing my favorite Bob Marley...


Fun “Homework” for You!

I am not sure exactly how far I hiked yesterday, maybe 10 miles? My legs are super sore and my heart is light. It was just me, the trail, the creek and my thoughts. I was thinking about my clients and how several of them chose...


Do You Choose Fear or Feeling Good?

I've been up and down through all of this. But over the past week and this weekend, I've stayed pretty positive. I finally started sleeping well, developed a consistent exercise and meditation practice, had powerful calls with clients, and developed programs for artists and creatives...


What You Want Is Possible

A few years ago my coach told me, "You embody possibility." It took me awhile to truly understand this important acknowledgement and how it plays out for me. I am someone who seeks what is possible in my life and the lives of my clients. This is why...


One Step at a Time

Headed to summit South Sister! Even though it’s my second time, I am still kind of freaking out. Will I actually make it through those 12 miles again?! A few years ago, I told myself that I wanted to hike at least one big mountain each year. Last...


Under the Golden Moon

This morning I wake up early, throw on my shoes and jacket, and head out for a walk along the coastline. It’s super dark and will be dark for a few more hours. Why am I up and out so early?! I look up and...


Fierce as the Fire: My Journey at Burning Man

I knew that my first year at Burning Man would be an impactful experience. The theme is Metamorphoses so transformation is implied! Of course I sent an intention: let go of control and attachment. That’s all, right?! I’ve been working on self-love for decades now. I...